## version $VER: Skimmer_locale.ct 1.1 (10.07.98) ## language English msg_0 ; Error msg_1 ; You must delete Skimmer.prefs before you run this version msg_2 ; _Keep msg_3 ; Need Input msg_4 ; Please enter the pattern\nto exclude from deletion. msg_5 ; Please enter a description\nof this keeper. msg_6 ; Please enter the pattern\nyou want to exclude from deletion. msg_7 ; Please enter a description\nof this keeper type. msg_8 ; _Report msg_9 ; No programs msg_10 ; No programs refer to library msg_11 ; Be careful! msg_12 ; You are about to delete the selected libraries.\nAre you rea\ ; lly sure you want to do this? msg_13 ; Caution msg_14 ; You are about to archive the selected libraries.\nAre you su\ ; re you want to do this? msg_15 ; Programs referring to %s msg_16 ; Keeper, nothing uses this library msg_17 ; Error! msg_18 ; Could not create archive directory! msg_19 ; Missing Library! msg_20 ; Skimmer requires ReqTools V38 or later! msg_21 ; Cannot read prefs! msg_22 ; Cannot open interface! msg_23 ; Skimmer %d.%d (Unregistered Demo) msg_24 ; _Main msg_25 ; _HDPrefs msg_26 ; Registration complete. msg_27 ; Registration failed, try again! msg_28 ; Reporting msg_29 ; Preferences saved. msg_30 ; Viewing Report msg_31 ; Yo! msg_32 ; Changes have been made to your Prefs settings.\nWould you li\ ; ke to save them? msg_33 ; Bummer msg_34 ; Your screen is too small to hold the interface msg_35 ; Your screen is too narrow to hold the interface msg_36 ; Your screen is too short to hold the interface msg_37 ; Error: cannot open window!! msg_38 ; Error: cannot render GUI!! msg_39 ; Select Drives msg_40 ; Filters msg_41 ; Keepers msg_42 ; Library Report msg_43 ; Executable Listing msg_44 ; Failed to lock dos list! msg_45 ; Out of memory! msg_46 ; Collecting list of libraries msg_47 ; Cannot lock LIBS:! msg_48 ; _ExtPrefs msg_49 ; Please enter the\nextension to filter. msg_50 ; Please enter a description\nof this extension type. msg_51 ; Serial Number msg_52 ; Please enter the serial number you were assigned\n(leading z\ ; eros are optional). msg_53 ; Continue|Abort msg_54 ; Registration Code msg_55 ; Please enter your registration code,\nexactly as provided to\ ; you. msg_56 ; You must set up the drives to scan first! msg_57 ; Done, creating report. msg_58 ; Operation aborted. msg_59 ; %s\n\nFree Library Report\n\n msg_60 ; %s\n\nUsed Library Report\n\n msg_61 ; %s\n\nComplete Library Report\n\n msg_62 ; LIBRARY: %s (Marked as Keeper)\n msg_63 ; LIBRARY: %s (not in use)\n msg_64 ; LIBRARY: %s (%ld references)\n msg_65 ; EXEC: %s\n msg_66 ; Archive msg_67 ; Please choose path and file msg_68 ; Done msg_69 ; Could not open file requester msg_70 msg_71 ; Yes|No msg_72 ; Error copying file %s to %s! msg_73 ; Progress msg_74 ; Data Rate msg_75 ; Free Libs msg_76 ; Checked msg_77 ; Skipped msg_78 ; _Drives msg_79 ; _Filters msg_80 ; _Keepers msg_81 ; _Buffer msg_82 ; Sa_ve msg_83 ; _Start msg_84 ; ABORT! msg_85 ; Register msg_86 ; _Quit msg_87 ; Status msg_88 ; Idle msg_89 ; _Select Drive msg_90 ; _Done msg_91 ; _Rescan msg_92 ; Select _All msg_93 ; Select _None msg_94 ; _Cancel msg_95 ; Description msg_96 ; _Add msg_97 ; _Edit msg_98 ; _Remove msg_99 ; Libraries msg_100 ; Libs In Use msg_101 ; All Libs msg_102 ; Delete Selected msg_103 ; Archive Selected msg_104 ; _Print Report msg_105 ; _Save Report msg_106 ; _Done! \ msg_107 ; _Close msg_108 ; Extensions msg_109 ; Error: cannot open timer!